To ensure the telephone numbers we provide are as accurate as possible, we utilize quality outside telephone sources to add and confirm good numbers while identifying and deleting bad numbers. PDI phone files make it easy to contact voters by phone using modern telemarketing services and software. If you are not using a telemarketing service, you should look at our printed phone lists. Our Standard phone file has one record for all selected voters in a household. Our Automated Phone files are designed to work seamlessly with auto-dialer phone services.
Standard Phone File
Our Standard full phone file contains one record for each phone number at the same address, including the phone number, address, and individualized infomation for each voter such as their voter ID#, first name, last name, age, party, ethnicity and permanent absentee status. This is the typical file used by live calling services. Standard Phone File Layout
Automated Enhanced Phone File
Our Automated Enhanced phone file contains one record per voter, including phone number, name, and voter ID number. Automated Enhanced Phone File Layout
Automated Phone File
Our Automated phone file contains unique 10 digit phone numbers only. This is the file used for most calling software/services that transmit pre-recorded messages. Automated Phone File Layout