LA City – Lotsa New Voters – What does that mean?

The second round of LA City Mail Ballot returns drew some attention for a high number of voters (22%) who were casting ballots in the Runoff but hadn’t voted in the Primary. Is this 22% representative of a surge of voters sparked by a more engaging runoff election? If...

LA City Voted – EDay Minus 15

Last night we received 55,000 more returned ballots for the LA City Runoff and tagged them into the system. This brings our total “voted” count to 62,815 for the May election. (PDI customers will see these voted numbers in their account, and any orders processed will...

Where you lived in 2005

In the old-timey days an area code helped to define a person. To Valley Girls, someone who lived in “The 818” was infinitely cooler than someone who was from “The 909,” and someone from “The 619” was going to be much more suntanned...

LA First Returns

The first ballots for the May 21st Los Angeles Mayoral Election are in. These ballots are just a drop in the bucket, but tracking them can help understand likely turnout, ethnic share of voters, and what parts of the city are performing. The 7,740 reported on April...

Party Crashing

Since 2004 there have been over one million CA residents who have changed political party – some more than once. The following graphic shows the number of switches in the PDI database for eight different periods between statewide elections since 2004. (clicking on the...