Below is list of helpful references, including the codes we use in our files. If you’re looking for descriptions of the data fields included in our lists and files, please refer to the applicable product page in the Products section of this website. For information on the codes we use on our counts reports, go to the ‘Frequently Ask Questions’ covering ‘Counts Reports’.
PDI Codes
Birth Place Codes (DBF)
This file has been zipped (compressed) to make downloading more efficient.
County Codes (PDF)
Counties are numbered alphabetically (01-58). We have also included the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code as a cross-reference.
District-code/title conversion
This file contains a list of codes and descriptions for every city, community college district, and school district in the state. This file has been zipped (compressed) to make downloading more efficient
Precinct map of LA City Neighborhoods/Areas (pdf)
These are neighborhoods and commonly named areas within the City of Los Angeles, which have no official boundaries, or designation. If you feel that we have incorrectly defined any area, please identify the precinct, or precincts, that should be assigned differently, with your request.